Category Archives: Concerts

MMC concerts presented at Turner Hall and various locations

2024 Spring Concert

2024 MMC group photoWe will be having our annual Spring Concert on Sunday May 19, 2024 at 3:00 pm. The concert will be held at St Joseph’s Catholic Church at 1905 W Beltline Hwy, near the Fish Hatchery Rd exit.

Songs will include traditional German songs, other assorted choral works and an original composition of Über die Felder (Herman Hesse) by one of the Männerchor’s own. We hope you consider joining us as we share our music with Madison.

Tickets are $10 at the door. Refreshments and bar will be available.

Christmas Concert & Dinner 2023

A visit from Sankt Nikolaus

A visit from Sankt Nikolaus

Our annual Christmas Concert & Dinner will be held on Sunday December 10, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. This year the event will be at a new venue: Holy Wisdom Monastery located at 4200 County Road M in Middleton. After the concert, there will be a visit from Sankt Nikolaus followed by dinner at approximately 5:00 p.m.

Tickets for the concert and dinner are $32 per person. Tickets for the concert only are $15. There will be a cash bar. Tickets can be purchased at the door for the concert, but reservations must be made for the concert and dinner. For the full details, including how to make a reservation, please click on the link below:

2023 Christmas Concert flyer

Please make your reservations by November 24th. Questions? Email us at

Note: if the concert is canceled due to bad weather (as has happened in the past) we will post the news here on our web site and also on our Facebook page. We will also attempt to contact everyone on the reservation list if we have a phone number or email address.

Christmas Concert & Dinner 2022

A visit from Sankt Nikolaus

A visit from Sankt Nikolaus

Our annual Christmas Concert & Dinner will be held on Sunday December 11, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. This year the event will be at a new venue: St Bernard Catholic Church, 2438 Atwood Ave in Madison. After the concert, there will be a visit from Sankt Nikolaus followed by dinner at approximately 5:00 p.m.

Tickets for the concert and dinner are $25 per person. Tickets for the concert only are $10. There will be a cash bar. Tickets can be purchased at the door but we would appreciate it if you made a reservation in advance. For the full details, including how to make a reservation, please click on the link below:

2022 Christmas Concert flyer

Please make your reservations by December 4th if possible. Questions? Email us at

Note: if the concert is canceled due to bad weather (as has happened in the past) we will post the news here on our web site and on our Facebook page. We will also attempt to contact everyone on the reservation list if we have a phone number or email address.

CANCELLED Spring Concert 2022 – June 5

Unfortunately, Covid-19 has still not left the building. Several of our singers, and our director, tested positive for the virus, so in the interest of safety of our concert attendees and our singers, we have decided to cancel the June 5 concert.

Join us on Sunday, June 5 at 3:00 p.m. for our first concert in two years! The Concert will be held at Madison Turners, 3001 S. Stoughton Road in Madison. Tickets are $10 at the door; children are free.

We’ll be singing a mix of old German favorites and a few new English songs in our repertoire. We hope you can join us as we re-start this annual tradition after the pandemic.

Spring Concert Cancelled

We have cancelled our 168th Annual Spring Concert which was scheduled for May 31st.

With the continuing spread of the coronavirus, we are still weeks away from resuming rehearsals even in the best case scenario. So for the safety of the choir members, family and friends, we have decided to cancel the concert.

At this point there is no scheduled date for the next rehearsal.

Kommers 2019

Kommers 2019 was held on Sunday April 7th at Hart Park in Wauwatosa.  MGV Harmonia Kenosha won the competition, with the Madison Maennerchor in second place and Milwaukee Liederkranz, the 2018 winner, in third. Milwaukee Liedertafel was the host choir and the set up and food were great.

Below are some photos; click on the thumbnail image to see the larger photo.


Christmas Concert 2017

On Sunday December 10, 2017 we had our annual Christmas Concert & Dinner at Madison Turner Hall. It was a very festive occasion despite the lack of snow on the ground. We had a record crowd for the concert and the dinner afterward. Thanks to everyone who helped plan, set up, take tickets or clean up. Special thanks to Sankt Nikolaus for fitting us into his busy schedule.

Thanks to everyone who attended. We hope to see you again next year!

Here are some photos of the event. As always, click on the thumbnail image to see the full photo.

Christmas Concert & Dinner 2017

A visit from Sankt Nikolaus

A visit from Sankt Nikolaus

Our annual Christmas Concert & Dinner will be held at Turner Hall, 3001 S Stoughton Road in Madison, on Sunday December 10, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. After the concert, there will be a visit from Sankt Nikolaus followed by dinner at approximately 5:00 p.m.

Tickets are $25/adult and children 13 or older. Children under 13 eat free when with an adult also eating dinner. Cash bar. Tickets for the concert only are $10/adult. Tickets can be purchased at the door but we would appreciate it if you made a reservation in advance. For the full details, including how to make a reservation, please click on the link below:

2017 MMC Christmas Concert flyer

Please make your reservations by December 5th if possible. Email us at or call Alan at (608) 335-0770.

Note: if the concert is canceled due to bad weather (as has happened in the past) we will post the news here on our web site and on our Facebook page. We will also attempt to contact everyone on the reservation list if we have a phone number or email address.