Category Archives: Concerts

MMC concerts presented at Turner Hall and various locations

Christmas Concert & Dinner 2017

A visit from Sankt Nikolaus

A visit from Sankt Nikolaus

Our annual Christmas Concert & Dinner will be held at Turner Hall, 3001 S Stoughton Road in Madison, on Sunday December 10, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. After the concert, there will be a visit from Sankt Nikolaus followed by dinner at approximately 5:00 p.m.

Tickets are $25/adult and children 13 or older. Children under 13 eat free when with an adult also eating dinner. Cash bar. Tickets for the concert only are $10/adult. Tickets can be purchased at the door but we would appreciate it if you made a reservation in advance. For the full details, including how to make a reservation, please click on the link below:

2017 MMC Christmas Concert flyer

Please make your reservations by December 5th if possible. Email us at or call Alan at (608) 335-0770.

Note: if the concert is canceled due to bad weather (as has happened in the past) we will post the news here on our web site and on our Facebook page. We will also attempt to contact everyone on the reservation list if we have a phone number or email address.

Swissfest 2017

On November 5, 2017 we traveled to Monroe to sing as a guest choir at the 51st Annual Swissfest. the event was held at Turner Hall in Monroe and included the Monroe Swiss Singers, the Maennerchor New Glarus and the Jodlerklub New Glarus.

It was a great event and I think we had a great time both performing and listening to the other choirs and other performers. The acoustics in the Grand Hall were great. Afterward, we headed downstairs to the Ratskeller for some refreshments.

Here are some photos; as always, click on the thumbnail to see the larger image.

Kommers 2017

The 2017 WSB Kommers was held on May 20th at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in Kenosha. Below are a few photos from the competition. Our hosts MGV Kenosha were the eventual winners; we placed third.

International Fest 2017

On Saturday February 25th we sang at the International Festival in the Overture Center. this year we performed on the stage of the Capitol Theater instead of the Rotunda Room where we performed the last few years. After we sang, quite a few of us headed over to the Buck & Badger for a drink. Or perhaps two.

Here are some photos from the day. Please click on the thumbnail image to see the larger photo.

Christmas Songs

We were disappointed that we had to cancel this year’s Christmas concert due to the weather. So at our rehearsal last week we recorded three of the songs we would have sung at the concert as our gift to you. Frohe Weihnachten!

Christmas Concert Canceled

Due to the winter storm that is bearing down on southern Wisconsin, we have decided to cancel our annual Christmas concert and dinner.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but with the hazardous road conditions forecast for Sunday, we think it’s better if everyone stays off the roads as much as possible.

Christmas Concert and Dinner 2016

A visit from Sankt Nikolaus

A visit from Sankt Nikolaus

Our annual Christmas Concert & Dinner will be held at Turner Hall, 3001 S Stoughton Road in Madison, on Sunday December 11, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. After the concert, there will be a visit from Sankt Nikolaus followed by dinner at approximately 5:00 p.m.

Tickets are $25/adult and children 13 or older. Children under 13 eat free when with an adult also eating dinner. Cash bar. Tickets for the concert only are $10/adult. Tickets can be purchased at the door but we would appreciate it if you made a reservation in advance. For the full details, including how to make a reservation, please click on the link below:

Christmas Concert & Dinner information

Please make your reservations by December 6th if possible. Email or call Alan at (608) 335-0770.

Kommers 2016

The annual Wisconsin Saengerbezirk Kommers was held in Wauwatosa on Saturday June 18th at Hart Park. The Milwaukee Damenchor hosted the competition. Below are my pictures of Kommers; as always please click on the thumbnail image to see the larger photo.

Congratulations to the Milwaukee Damenchor for winning the competition, and MGV Harmonia Kenosha and the Gesangverein Concordia Sheboygan for placing second and third!


Make Music Madison

We will be taking part in the Make Music Madison event on Tuesday June 21. We’ll be singing at the Madison Public Library (the central branch at 201 W. Mifflin Street) at 7:00 p.m. We will be performing outside the main entrance of the library, rain or shine.

Here are links to our event listing and also the schedule of performances at the Public Library.

Singers: please be at the library at 6:30 to warm up before the performance.



Spring Concert 2016

We held our 164th Annual Spring Concert on Sunday May 15, 2016 at Madison Turner Hall. Our guest choir was the Monroe Swiss Singers. Below are some photos from the concert. Thanks to all who attended; we hope you had a good time!

Thanks to all who helped set up and clean up. And also to those who helped make the sandwiches. And special thanks to Geoff Kroening for sharing his photos of the concert.