- JoLynn Attoe (Honorary)
- Dagmar Bouchard
- Rachel Caruso
- Ed Essert
- Mary Galneder
- Ilse Graebel (Honorary)
- Elsa Hein
- Ben Howell
- Gerald Hundt
- John Huttenhoff
- Erwin Jabs
- Lois Jensen
- Brent Kimbel
- Ron Kycek
- Peggy Lescrenier
- Paul Madsen
- Virginia Meharg
- Frederick Merg
- Hans Mueller
- Karin Mueller
- John Mysliwiec (Honorary)
- Wanda Rickman (Honorary)
- Morris Sadicario
- Jim Schmidt
- Maxine Triff
- Bob Worm
- Carol Yngsdahl (Honorary)
- Robert Ziesch
Madison Männerchor sends out a renewal letter mid-August. MMC deeply appreciates the support provided by our Associate Members. Dues-paid Associate Members are entitled to two free Spring concert tickets a year, and are welcome to all our social activities! Honorary Associate Members are entitled to two free Spring concert tickets a year, and are welcome to all our social activities! All Associate Members are notified of Madison Männerchor concerts and social events either via email (our preferred method), by phone or by mail. Some events (such as picnics) might carry a small charge to defray food and location costs.