Fall 2021 Schedule

It’s been quite a while (since March 12, 2020), but we are planning to resume rehearsals and we already have a few events on our Fall calendar. We haven’t planned out the entire Fall schedule yet, but this is what we have so far:

September 2, 2021: We are planning on having our last summer biweekly meeting at the Biergarten in Olbrich Park at 6:30 pm. There may also be a Vorstand meeting here as well.

September 9: We are tentatively planning on having our first rehearsal on Thursday September 9th. But with the Dane County mask mandate and the air flow issues in Turner Hall we are thinking about have the rehearsal out doors, either at the Turner Hall parking lot or else at a city park shelter. The rehearsal would probably begin around 6:30 pm to take advantage of the daylight. This is all very tentative; there will be email updates as we get closer.

September 18: We will be singing at the Essen Haus Oktoberfest once again! We’ll probably be singing later in the afternoon as we usually do. We’ll discuss the timing at one of our rehearsals.

October 9: We’ve been invited to sing at the Strassenfest in Plain Wisconsin on Saturday October 9. The details, including transportation to Plain, are still pending.

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