We’ve been meeting informally every two weeks or so this summer, and on July 8th we met at the Biergarten at Olbrich Park. If you’ve never been there, you really should visit sometime – it’s a great place to sit and relax and enjoy the view on Lake Monona. Oh, and perhaps drink a beer or two.
We met there at 6:30 or so and after we had warmed up, Paul Essert led us through a few songs. It was a beautiful evening, with very few mosquitos, and it was good to sing together again. I’m sure it’s only a coincidence that soon after we began to sing, several of the tables near us suddenly became empty 🙂
As always, click on the thumbnail image to see the larger image.
- A little cool tonight, but Paul thinks that singing will help us keep warm.
- And…Paul was right. It didn’t seem quite as cold once we started to sing.
- Thankfully the cool weather kept the mosquitos away.
- As the sun sets in the west we bid you aloha from Olbrich Park!