Category Archives: Web Links

Rockow directs MTC

Former Madison Maennerchor director Ron Rockow had the opportunity to direct the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at their concert at the Overture Center in Madison on Tuesday June 18, 2013. The Wisconsin State Journal has the full story here. The State Journal also has some photos of the rehearsal and concert.


New Links on Max Kade Institute Website

The following two Web sites have recently been added to the MKI’s Resources page (
and may be of interest to you!

German-American Heritage Museum
An art and multimedia museum located in Washington, DC, providing permanent and temporary exhibits on German immigration and migration across the Unites States and on famous German Americans. The Resources page provides state-by-state links to informative Web sites about German immigrants, German organizations and landmarks, German-American business resources, government resources, student opportunities, and German-language radio programs.

Gemütlichkeit, Schnitzelbank, and Kitsch: German-American Caricature in Vintage Postcards
The Archives & Rare Books Library of the University of Cincinnati has added an exhibit that explores the creation and perpetuation of German American ethnic stereotypes through cartoon images found on popular postcards in the 20th century. More than fifty cards illustrating a public view of a major ethnic group are included in the exhibit, which can be downloaded as PDF.