Category Archives: Events
Lunch at Obed & Isaac’s
Dämmerschoppen at the Linderhof in Peoria
Kommers 2019
Kommers 2019 was held on Sunday April 7th at Hart Park in Wauwatosa. MGV Harmonia Kenosha won the competition, with the Madison Maennerchor in second place and Milwaukee Liederkranz, the 2018 winner, in third. Milwaukee Liedertafel was the host choir and the set up and food were great.
Below are some photos; click on the thumbnail image to see the larger photo.
- Warming up before the competition begins
- Warming up before the competition begins
- The beginning of the Parade of Flags getting into position.
- The rest of the Parade of Flags
- The Parade of Flags opening the competition.
- Milwaukee Liederkranz sang first
- Milwaukee D.A.N.K. Chor sang second
- We had to wait a while before we sang…
- The Schwaben Maennerchor sang next
- MGV Harmonia Kenosha sang fourth.
- GSV Concordia Sheboygan was next
- Tim filled in for the absent 1st Vice President of the WSB
- We were lined up and ready to go after Sheboygan.
- The Milwaukee Damenchor was the seventh and final choir to perform.
- After the competition and waiting for dinner to be served.
GERMAN GENEALOGY Workshop in Madison, Saturday, February 23, 2019
Finding Our German Ancestors in Europe:
a Workshop for Genealogists
Beloit Chorale Concert
The Beloit Chorale performed at Bethel Lutheran Church in Madison on Saturday July 21st. This is the Chorale’s first season and we were pleased to have the opportunity to sponsor the concert.
This is a recording of one of the songs that the chorale performed. It is “Stars” by Erik Esenvalds.
Bucky on Parade
Those of you who live in the Madison area have probably seen or heard of the “Bucky on Parade” public art project. This involves 85 different Bucky Badger statues in the Madison area, each one 6 feet tall and 160 pounds. Every statue is transformed by a local artist into a unique representation of Bucky. Here is a link to the WMTV story.
Tim found the “Gemütlichkeit Bucky” near the Capitol and took this picture. Click on the thumbnail to see the larger image.
For more information on the art project, here is the official Bucky on Parade web site. There are maps on the web site showing the location of all 85 of the Buckies. The project runs from May 7, to September 12, 2018.
Kohl Center January 2018
We were invited to sing the national anthem at the Kohl Center on January 26, before the UW mens hockey game against Penn State. We got to see a lot of the facilities at the Kohl Center. We did a couple of sound checks – it was a new experience for us to sing in such a large hall with microphones.
After we sang the anthem, we had a chance to watch the first period before going up to the Kellner Club to sing during the first intermission. We had a great time and were able to sing a lot of favorite songs. It was a great evening and best of all UW came from behind to defeat Penn State 4-2!
Here are a few photos:
Christmas Concert 2017
On Sunday December 10, 2017 we had our annual Christmas Concert & Dinner at Madison Turner Hall. It was a very festive occasion despite the lack of snow on the ground. We had a record crowd for the concert and the dinner afterward. Thanks to everyone who helped plan, set up, take tickets or clean up. Special thanks to Sankt Nikolaus for fitting us into his busy schedule.
Thanks to everyone who attended. We hope to see you again next year!
Here are some photos of the event. As always, click on the thumbnail image to see the full photo.
Christmas Concert & Dinner 2017
Our annual Christmas Concert & Dinner will be held at Turner Hall, 3001 S Stoughton Road in Madison, on Sunday December 10, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. After the concert, there will be a visit from Sankt Nikolaus followed by dinner at approximately 5:00 p.m.
Tickets are $25/adult and children 13 or older. Children under 13 eat free when with an adult also eating dinner. Cash bar. Tickets for the concert only are $10/adult. Tickets can be purchased at the door but we would appreciate it if you made a reservation in advance. For the full details, including how to make a reservation, please click on the link below:
2017 MMC Christmas Concert flyer
Please make your reservations by December 5th if possible. Email us at or call Alan at (608) 335-0770.
Note: if the concert is canceled due to bad weather (as has happened in the past) we will post the news here on our web site and on our Facebook page. We will also attempt to contact everyone on the reservation list if we have a phone number or email address.