The Essen Haus held its Oktoberfest on September 18th this year and we were invited to sing a few songs during the break between the two bands in the afternoon. It was good to be back at the Essen Haus after Oktoberfest was canceled last year due to the pandemic. This was our first performance since February 2020, so it was good to singing together again in the friendly confines of the Essen Haus parking lot. It was a beautiful day, and I think we all had a good time.
Here are a few photos of the choir in action. As always, click on the thumbnail to see the larger image.
- Getting ready to sing; or at least that’s the theory…
- We decided to sing at a couple of different places around the parking lot instead of singing from the stage.
- There was a good crowd and it was fun to sing at Oktoberfest again.
- It had been a while since our last public performance, but things went ok.
- The leaves are already starting to turn – we’re just not ready for fall yet.
- Replenishing fluids after the performance…
- And, yes, there was some Asbach Uralt available as well.