The Deutscher Sprachatlas Is Back!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013; 5:30–7:30 p.m.

The Rathskeller, Memorial Union, 800 Langdon Street

The Deutscher Sprachatlas is an important German linguistics atlas in Memorial Library’s German language and literature collection. Unfortunately it has not been available to linguistic students and scholars due to its fragile condition. With funding from the Friends [of the UW-Madison Libraries], the original has been carefully restored by Memorial Library’s Preservation Department and a facsimile created for use in the stacks.

Help us celebrate the unveiling of the restored atlas and facsimile in Der Rathskeller at Memorial Union. You can view the Sprachatlas, listen to German-Wisconsin music, learn about the importance of this document, hear about its preservation, and celebrate Oktoberfest! German-style refreshments will be available. Wunderbar! For more details about the restoration, see the article on page 8 in the

Fall 2013 Friends Newsletter.

Cosponsored by the

Memorial Library Reference and the Collection Preservation Departments, the Department of German, the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies and Mills Music Library.

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